If you have not met me before, and you are interested in receiving a massage therapy treatment, this page is to provide some information for you. If you have received treatment from me before, hey there! Thanks for being interested in learning a little bit about my background.
I am an individual that has always been interested in health and wellness, but I first entered my true journey of the self when I began practicing yoga in 2013. While I had gone to the gym and lifted many weights, ran many miles, and swam many laps, I had lacked the practice of disciplined breathing. I believe I paid no regard to my breath, or the sensation of it filling my body as I exerted myself while exercising , and it is possible that I never took a truly full breath in my life until I got at least 5 years into my yoga practice. At this point, I became best friends and roommates with a yoga teacher whom I often drove with to her classes every week. Soon, we began attending hot Pilates and yoga classes together and we were both working at the same studio part-time and constantly taking classes.
I was not yet a yoga instructor but I surrounded myself in the world of spirituality and wellness; my life had a similar theme in some other seasons prior, but this was the most dedicated that I had ever felt to yoga and self improvement. I decided to get my first yoga certification in December of 2019, and spent about six months prior preparing and reading the Yoga sutras, Yamas and Niyamas, and "How to Know God."
Once I arrived to Mexico for my three-week immersion, I was feeling very at peace with my decision to begin formal learning of the human body and the traditions of yoga. During my training I learned a topical knowledge of many things, including the importance of the health of the spine and lubrication via movement with synovial fluid, and also dove into Thai stretch yoga. This practice incorporated Thai massage with yoga, and taught the practitioner to use their own body to leverage the client's and create a therapeutic experience for the both of them. This also demonstrated to me that by teaching people how to hold and strengthen their posture correctly, you are empowering them spiritually, because everyone is more self empowered when their body movement is open and free from impediment or pain.
I found my experience with this school to be enlightening, and I used that experience to teach yoga in a variety of environments, including a holistic rehabilitation facility in Colorado. During my time teaching there I taught meditation classes where I would discuss the philosophy of sobriety and the power of breath and mindfulness in addition to both relaxing and energizing yoga classes. Some other environments that I have taught in include in-studio hot yoga classes, such as power yoga and bootcamp classes, and creative vinyasa classes, and have expanded on my knowledge of yoga since then by going on to receive additional certification in kundalini yoga.
Fast forward a few years, and I was wanting to become more knowledgeable of the human body on a clinical and precise level. I also found myself wanting to give one-on-one attention to people in order to get to the root of their postural issues and bodily discomfort. After some self-searching on both the personal and professional plane, I was led to massage therapy. The path of becoming a licensed massage therapist took much more attention and dedication than becoming a yoga teacher, as it is a license that requires a much greater investment of time, energy, and money to accomplish. With the knowledge of the art and trade of massage therapy, I have been able to take the next step in being of service to others by incorporating the therapeutic touch into my career.
Now, as a licensed massage therapist for almost 1 year and a practicing yogi for 11 years, I feel that I have built my experience with yoga, ayurveda, breath work and meditation, and now massage therapy to a point that I am proud to call it my career and continue to build upon the knowledge that I have collected up to this point. As our bodies change and grow, so does our collective knowledge of our selves and how we work, and because of that I am constantly learning and growing myself.
My next endeavor to continue upon my educational journey is to attend an immersive Thai massage course in Chang Mai, Thailand. This experience will allow me to expand upon my massage practice and view how another country approaches massage, as well as the eastern philosophy behind Thai massage. By being a client of mine, you're supporting my journey to my next goal!
Golden Ratio Bodyworks
Denver Municipal Area
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